Why is it so hard to stand with Asian Americans (March 2021)

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Why is it so hard to stand with Asian Americans (March 2021)


Model Minority Myth
Anti-Asian racism
#stopasianhate movement




The slideshow conveys a description of the model minority myth as well as systemic racism specifically within a scope of the United States. It also specifically addresses white people in one portion to explain how they can assist in dismantling the myth and systemic racism.






Kaden Bolton

Instagram Slideshow Item Type Metadata

Text Transcription

1. Why is it so hard to stand with Asian Americans?
2. Let's face the truth. We as Americans, are planted in racist soil. What you see "attacks on Asians" what you don't see "Selective immigration, racist hiring practices, model minority, aggregated statistics that leave out Asian representation, impoverished living conditions, lack of Asian representation in the media, school curriculums without Asian history + contributions."
3. The mindset is attached to an age old myth called the model minority myth. A myth created by a white man named William Peterson. This myth operates in a model of racial triangulation. The Myth "describes the perceived success of asians in an attempt by white supremacy to suppress all marginalized groups." The Realist "Everyone under white supremacy struggles with poverty, hate crimes, decreased access to education, police brutality, medical racism, + more." No one wins in the model minority myth except those who created it.
4. The system reduces race relations into hierarchies + binaries instead of allowing unique expressions of privilege + oppression to simultaneously exist. [Wheel of identities with more powerful identities in the center and further marginalized identities extending out from the center]. There's no trophy for oppression.
5. What does upholding the model minority myth look like for: Asians: "pandering to whiteness, staying silent in the face of injustice, harboring anti-black mindsets that can look like denying service, following people in stores, etc., stereotyping POC who you share a neighborhood with, using racial slurs + disrespecting other POC, repeating they are privileged, inability to center their own community." Non-Asian POC: "resentment towards Asians, denying racism towards Asians exists + not interrupting hate speech, anger + violence towards Asians, hate for sharing other neighborhoods with other POC bullying Asians to wait their turn to speak, repeating the stereotype that all Asians are privileged, inability to center another community." By doing these things, you uphold the oppression of your community + others. How can we achieve solidarity if our beliefs + actions play into the lie of the model minority myth?.
6. We all experience racial discrimination. That should not prevent you from advocating for a human life, another community, at any point in time. "The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors." - Paulo Friere. Our liberation is tied to one another when we individually stop repeating the behavior of our oppressor, we begin to heal our communities.
7. White People this slide is for you. White supremacy controls almost every resource + access point, resulting in violence towards POC, + the pressure felt by POC towards each other. This leads to lateral oppression + hate crimes against POC. When white people acknowledge that they feed into + benefit from the system of white supremacy + actively work to dismantle it, it provides a more equitable space.
8. [Video]
9. [Video]
10. Unity Saves Lives

Instagram caption

UNITY SAVES LIVES. // WHY IS IT SO HARD TO STAND WITH ASIAN AMERICANS? // To white allies: we must do better & I hope this resource gives you:
-Tools to better understand why it’s harder for us to talk about Asian hate.
-Inspiration to take action on behalf of Asians.
-Ways to take that action.
This resource was two months in the making thanks to the hard work of a multi-racial coalition of co-authors @hownottotravellikeabasicbitch @goulding_jr
@curlsofpoetry @kimsaira @hikingprodigy and myself.
I want to specifically shout out the Asians who gave their labor in the midst of so much trauma to make this resource @hownottotravellikeabasicbitch @hikingprodigy @kimsaira.
This topic is heavily researched & this packet was also created pre-massacre in Atlanta and based on the research of-
Black Power Movement by Dr. Leonard Moore
Blacks & Asians: Race & Social Movements by Dr. Aarti Bhalodia
The Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans by Claire Jean Kim + illustration inspired by @beyonkz
The Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
Canadian Council for Refugees, Wheel of Power & Privilege. Illustration inspired by Sylvia Duckworth
How Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, & Pacific Islanders Shaped the Legal Landscape by Dr. Robert Kim
The Model Minority Myth by Dr.Kiona, Liz Kleinrock @teachandtransform, & Takeru Nagayoshi
Asian-Black Solidarity Movements by Dr.Kiona & Liz Kleinrock for @smithsonianapa
Stronger together. It takes all of us. Unity over everything.
Last but not least, do not thank me in the comments. Instead, please thank the POC co-authors and Asian co-authors and illustrator for giving their time to this resource.

Image Description

It utilizes warmer color schemes for the background (reds, oranges, pinks) and mainly utilizes blue and green for text and white for any structures or images. The text all appears typed and uses a font that is in all capitals and bolded. There is one image on slide 7 that features POC picking up crumbs underneath a white person at a table, and then a second image of them at the table eating as well. The figures are very minimalist in a 'corporate memphis' style of art

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@pattiegonia, “Why is it so hard to stand with Asian Americans (March 2021),” Instagram Slideshow Archive, accessed May 1, 2024, https://instagramslideshows.omeka.net/items/show/14.
