"Why the refusal to post online is often inherently racist" (May 2020)

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"Why the refusal to post online is often inherently racist" (May 2020)


social media
george floyd




Black and white slideshow describing why social media users should not be silent during the Summer 2020 racial reckoning.








Matthew Salzano

Instagram Slideshow Item Type Metadata



Text Transcription

An explanation of why something as simple as an Instagram story, can mean so much. 
2. A lot is going on in the world right now, and the absolute least you can do is repost the millions of lnstagram posts helping people spread the message on how to help, donate, protest, and converse. Publicity is so important when trying to educate our communities and eradicate these toxic systems that have been built to destroy us.
3. Yes, you're not obligated to share these ideals on your social media accounts. However, reflect on the reasons why you don't want to. 
4. Fear of "getting political" on your social media is, at its core, racist. This isn't a political issue - it's a humanitarian one. Black people are being murdered for the color of their skin. We're not talking about polls or voting, we're talking about saving human lives.
5. If you're anxious about what your peers will think, or if people will try to fight you, take a look at the people you surround yourself with. If they would fight or make fun of you, they are the problem. They are the oppressor we are trying to educate and get rid of. 
6. If you're nervous about not being educated enoguh, or being part of a conversation you're not ready for, that is fine. However, you must educate yourself and have these uncomfortable conversations in order to erase the racism that has been built and sown into you from many generations before us. 
You are uncomfortable because you have been taught to be uncomfortable. Your nature is to avoid these conversations because the oppressor has tuaght us to run away from them, so they can keep their power over you. 
7. A refusal to post is, at its core, a refusal to give up your comfort. A refusal to give up your power as a privileged individual. To sit in silence is to let people die.
8. Think about the real reaosns you don't want to publish your support. There should be no valid excuse. Black people are being killed. The least you could do is say their names out loud. 
9. It is not enough to be non racist. You must be unapologetically anti-racist.

Instagram caption

Hello. A lot is going on, and I felt the need to say something. Again I wish to reiterate, people aren’t obligated to post on their social media what they’re doing to help the cause - but i know a lot of people who hide behind their excuses because they are uncomfortable. You’re not a bad person for not sharing these things but now more than ever, if you are in a place of privilege, please reconsider using your voice and platform, however small it may be, to help. Spread donation and petition links. Educate. Have these uncomfortable conversations with the people around you. Teach yourself to erase the racism that is built deep inside of you, inside of everyone. Do not be ashamed. Black people are dying. And their lives matter. #BLM #justiceforgeorgefloyd I have tagged some great people on Instagram that have done a really good job at educating and showing us what’s going on. There’s no excuse! LAST SLIDE IS A QUOTE FROM ANGELA DAVIS HERSELF. READ ABOUT HER. EDUCATE YOURSELF. She has an insane amount of helpful books that will completely change your outlook on this situation rn. (EDIT: link in my bio with a full list of resources to educate yourself on how to be a white or non-black ally, and how to actively be non racist, among other helpful readings) // Title page illustrated by the lovely Emmy Hamilton of @cowpetter and @m0mzines.

Image Description

9 black and white slides total, first title slide is hand-drawn text and the subsequent 8 are just small paragraphs using justified sans-serif text.

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@ghostdumps, “"Why the refusal to post online is often inherently racist" (May 2020),” Instagram Slideshow Archive, accessed April 23, 2024, https://instagramslideshows.omeka.net/items/show/4.
